but i realized something.
before going home from school, i made the decision to detour to the nearest juice stop.
and as i was sitting at the table, waiting for my number 7 dream, a girl sat next to me. im gonna guess that she was maybe in her late twenties, and was just so nice.
she started talking to me. asked me if i was on my lunch break. i told her i had just gotten out of my class. and she started asking me questions about school and work and what i plan on doing after school. i asked the same questions in return. and i really did care about what she was saying.
the most amazing thing to me was that she already had her smoothie. she was not waiting like i was. i will probably never see this girl again, she doesnt need to know all these things about me, and she most certainly did not have to sit there next to me and make conversation.
she just wanted to be friendly and meet me and talk to me. she made me want to hear her story and what she was going to school for and what she was going to do with her life. and she made my day.
i feel like this is the way things should always be.
who says standing in line at the grocery store or bank or waiting for your food or coffee or smoothie should be awkward and uncomfortable? definitely not the girl that i met today.
people are always in such a hurry these days. no time to stop and talk to a stranger. mind you, im not suggesting that we all go out and give our personal information to a stranger, but what ever happened to taking a second to stop and be friendly?
i realized that there are not enough nice people like this anymore.
p.s. what happened to BOP-ITs?
i think they have fallen off the face of the earth almost completely. im in search of one. if anyone could point me in the right direction, i'd appreciate it tremendously.
well i'm sure people try this, and they usually work at cell phone stores and end up being total freakin creepers
Two things:
1) I have a bop-it. We can play sometime.
2) I try to smile or say hello to everyone...it's just so much nicer that way.
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